Instytut Automatyki
Politechniki Łódzkiej
Łódź, 26-28 listopada 2025
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Sesja plenarna

Referat plenarny "Model predictive control of power electronic systems: Methods, results, and challenges" wygłosi prof. Petros Karamanakos, Tampere University, Finlandia

Power electronic systems are often underutilized with conventional control solutions and are being operated in a suboptimal manner. An attractive control alternative that has been recently gaining increasing attention is model predictive control (MPC). This lecture provides an introduction to control algorithms designed in the framework of MPC. Moreover, it shows how different MPC strategies can bring tangible improvements, such as, lower harmonic distortions, hardware reduction, increased efficiency, or increased output power. Furthermore, implementation-related issues are analyzed, while methods to tackle them are presented. The lecture concludes with an assessment of the state-of-the-art MPC-based algorithms and highlights emerging topics.

Petros Karamanakos Petros Karamanakos is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. He received the Diploma and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, in 2007, and 2013, respectively. Prior to joining Tampere University, he was with the ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden-D̈aettwil, Switzerland, and the Chair of Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, Germany. His main research interests lie at the intersection of optimal control and modulation, mathe- matical programming and power electronics, including model predictive control for utility-scale power converters and ac variable speed drives. Petros received one Prize Paper Award of IEEE Transactions and two Prize Paper Awards at IEEE conferences. He is a Regional (R8—Europe, Middle East and Africa) Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PELS, and he regularly offers lectures and tutorials at PhD schools, conferences, and other events. He also serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, and he is an IEEE Senior Member.

Strona zaktualizowana: 16.05.2023