Instytut Automatyki Politechniki Łódzkiej |
Łódź, 22-24 listopada 2023
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Inauguracja konferencji SENE 2022 W dniu 23 listopada 2022 w Łodzi odbędzie się uroczysta inauguracja XV Krajowej Konferencji Naukowej "Sterowanie w Energoelektronice i Napędzie Elektrycznym", SENE 2022. Wykłady plenarne odbędą się w nowo oddanym dla zwiedzających Orientarium stanowiącym część łódzkiego ZOO. Orientarium łódzkie to obecnie najnowocześniejszy w Europie pawilon poświęcony faunie i florze Azji Południowo Wschodniej. Na powierzchni prawie 10 boisk piłkarskich znalazło dom 35 gatunków zwierząt lądowych oraz 180 gatunków ryb. Ich codzienne zachowania można podglądać z trzech perspektyw: podwodnej, lądowej oraz z "lotu ptaka". Sesje plenarne Referat plenarny "Real-time Energy Management and Optimization for Electrified Vehicles and Ships" wygłosi profesor Jing Sun, University of Michigan, United States Integrated power systems (IPS) incorporate heterogeneous power sources, including energy storage systems, to achieve improved energy efficiency and reliability. They have been a critical enabling technology for vehicle electrification. One distinctive characteristic of IPS is the highly interactive and dynamic nature, due to tight physical couplings of the multiple components involved. To achieve high efficiency, one often exploits their operating profiles and pushes these systems to operate on or close to their admissible boundary, thereby calling for predictive control. In this lecture, we will explore the unique characteristics of the IPS and discuss the challenges and solutions of real-time optimization and predictive control applied to this particular class of systems. Several examples, including the IPS for all-electric ships and the integrated solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine (SOFC/GT) system, will be used to provide motivations and illustrate the impact of solutions.
Referat plenarny, "Power electronics and hybrid transformers in distributed energy system - opportunities and challenges", wygłosi profesor Mariusz Malinowski, Politechnika Warszawska The fast development of distributed generation systems (DGS), including an increasing number of renewable energy sources (RES), demand the change of classical grid into smart grids (SG), integrating all new distributed elements, e.g., active loads/sources/energy storages. Currently used conventional transformer cannot fulfill all requirements of SG. Therefore a new solution is demanded due to the nature of highly different types of energy sources, loads, and frequent voltage disturbances occurring in DGS. The proposed modern solutions are the applications of multifunctional power electronics, fault-tolerant power electronics, and hybrid transformers, that are able not only to meet the main requirements of SG but also respond to the future challenges defined by the constant progress of technology in all new fields (e.g., electromobility, energy store systems, etc.).
Referat plenarny "Diagnosability of hybrid dynamical systems" wygłosi profesor Maria Domenica Di Benedetto, University of L’Aquila, Italy Hybrid systems, i.e., heterogeneous systems that include discrete and continuous-time subsystems, have been used to model control applications e.g. in automotive control, air traffic management systems, smart grids and intelligent manufacturing. Failure in this kind of applications can cause irreparable damage to the physical controlled systems and to the people who depend on it, or may cause large direct and indirect economic losses. Therefore, security for hybrid systems represent a significant concern. In this respect, observability and diagnosability play an important role since they are essential in characterizing the possibility of identifying the system’s hybrid state, and in particular, the occurrence of specific states that may correspond to malfunctioning due to a fault or an adversarial attack. In this talk, I review and place in context how the continuous and the discrete dynamics, as well as their interactions, intervene in the observability and diagnosability properties of a general class of hybrid systems. I also illustrate under which conditions the hybrid system’s state can be correctly estimated even when the system is under attack. An example related to network topology changes due to faults or attacks will illustrate the results.
Strona zaktualizowana: 29.07.2022 |